
Can a person go a day without talking ?

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if a person cant what would you do to make them stop do any one of you know any great ideas if you DO i NEED those tips right now

if you do know something just answer o.k. thank you




  1. y would u want some to stop talkin for a whole day?

  2. i cant

  3. u want to make sum1 stop talking to u .....thatz tough. they gotta feel that there is no need to talk...

  4. my parents got worried about me not talking, so they got me a dog.

  5. Yep...Ive done it more than once.*

  6. There have been monks who took a vow of silence and did not speak to anyone, even other monks, for many years. Yes, it is possible. Will this particular person you have in mind be able to hold their tongue for more than 20 minutes? That is another question altogether.

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