
Can a person lose a permanent visa if they get divorced?

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My sister in law is Mexican. She has a permanent visa because she is married to my brother in law who is White. They are split up and he is talking divorce but will she lose her visa if they divorce? They have 2 kids that are citizens. If she loses her visa will the kids stay here if she is deported?




  1. No she will not be deported if she already has a permanent residence card.  But it has to be the permanent card not the temporary one that is only good for 2 years.

  2. Does she have a green card and S/S number if so Yes she can stay in America

    Does not matter what color he is

    Is her green card good for 10years If so get her started on her citizenship

    He signed an affidavit of support to get her the green card He is responsible to support her and her kids It hurts to hear you ask ''well her kids stay and well she be deported'' She is here legally this is America we don't do that

    Good luck and watch out for her

    He might be playing games with her head and giving her a line of B/S ''you can be deported  if  i leave you''

  3. if she already has a green card, she will NOT lose the green card.

    BUT she cannot apply for citizenship 3 years after getting the green card. she will now have to wait 5 years from the date of the green card being issued to apply for citizenship.

    Otherwise she is free to divorce.  

  4. If she is a green card holder, she will not be deported on account of divorce proceedings.

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