
Can a person really make good money writing and promoting their own eBook?

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I'm a writer, so no problem. I can get an eBook written in a fairly timely manner, with excellent quality and content that will be very interesting to many readers.

I took a class on how to make ebooks, start promotion, etc. This has been about 2 or more years ago, though. Basically what I remember on that is to:

1. Write the book and make it an excellent work.

2. Build a promotional wesite for your product.

3. Use clickbank to promote and house your ebook on their server. I'm not sure if they do credit card functionality, but if not, see #4...

4. Use Paypal (for example) to do the money part of it.

5. Get sales money sent direct to your business account, and there you go!

That's my understanding of this, and I'm sure I'm missing some stuff.

So, how about promoting the ebook? Any new trends in the ebook market that you could share? Any new and good places online to market ebooks? Any good hosting you can recommened?

Best question for last: Can selling ebooks really make big$ ?




  1. yes they are. but some of them combining ebooks with some unique system of getting money. i mean combining ebooks and multilevel marketing trend.

  2. If you do the right research. If you research the market. It's not only build the website and hope people will come to it.

    You might need to build a list also. You need to market the book also.

    Many, many things.

    There are many elements involved in it.

    If you want to find out more about market research I highly recommend you check out this free site because the process I'm describing...I learned it from there: - Thirty Day Challenge.

    Clickbank is maybe the best publisher for ebooks. But what about finding affiliates? You need to make the book popular for affiliates to notice you.

    Basically, it's a whole process integrated in one fairly (not so) complex system.

    Yes you can make big $$$ with selling ebooks.

    Hope this helped.

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