
Can a person stay in South Africa beyond the Visa Expiry Date?

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The Expiry Date of the South African Business Visa is 30th September. Also, the visa says that the person can stay for 30 days per entry. Can the person enter South Africa before 30th September and stay beyond 30th September? I.e. Can he enter South Africa on 20th September and stay for 30 days or should he get out before 30th September?




  1. no, absolutly not , once a visa is expired it can be sometimes be extended , but all overstays have daily fines, pretty much expensive, they will see it on your exit and you will pay a fine per day,

    a visa is given for an amount of times and it should be respected or see yourserlf barred from entries in many other countries after that mistake.

    he should get out within the 30 days, of visa . stay as long as

    # 30 days not a day over #

    enter on the day of autorisation and leave on the day demanded on visa .

    if the visa is is expired on  the 30 th of sept? you must leave on that day

    you must surely enter before the 30th of sept,

    if the visa is for 30 days and expires the 30th of sept; you must enter before the 30 th ;

    if you enter on the 20 th of sept ? you will have 7 days left on your visa since it expires on the 30 th ;

    the best: enter the1st and have 30 total days of visa used .

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