
Can a person still harm you after being shot 30 times with

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my mom is getting a keltec plr-22 for home defense an she is getting a ar-16 clip which is 30 rounds of long rifle hollow points i personally think that is a overkill




  1. I'd take eight 9mm rounds over thirty .22lr rounds any day.

    .22lr is a varmint caliber that isnt designed to take out people. I guess I would rather have a hi capacity mag if I had no choice but .22lr.

    Tell your mom to get a nice 9mm over the .22lr and then she wont need 30 rounds to disable her attacker.  

  2. Rambo's mum huh?  awesome

  3. Yes, people can still do you harm after that many rounds.  The .22 is a poor choice for your application.

  4. Question:  can a person still harm you after being shot 30 times with

    Answer:  The quick answer is:  Yes!  Please read the answers to your other posted question concerning the use of a .22 for defensive purposes.  GT-2008 gave you an excellent answer.  In case you didn't read the entire answer fast-forward to the part where he goes into civil liability.  That should scare you more than the intruder because every bit of it is true.  So yes, a dead intruder can still ruin you in civil court.

    Also, tell your mother about the new Ruger Elsie P (LCP) .380 automatic pistol.  She can buy a new one for less than $350 and (in my opinion) is a better quality handgun than the Kel-Tec.  

    Good luck to you and your mother.  NO one should have to live in fear of home invaders.  


  5. I suppose anything is possible, but it doesn't seem very likely, does it?

  6. Why a sub-machine gun?

    What is wrong with a simple 9mm auto pistol like a Glock G19?

    Is it possible to be prosecuted because instead of buying a gun to deter/defend against an intruder, you have obviously bought a gun to cut an intruder into mincemeat? Excessive force?

  7. that is a matter of where the rounds hit. 30 rounds in the hand they survive

  8. Forget about the 22.* Very bad idea.* The best choice is a 20 or 12 gauge pump shotgun loaded with number 4 bird shot.*

  9. Id suggest your mom try out a 20 guage pump shotgun. She will be able to put up to 5 rounds in this if she takes the plug out. A 22 would be better than nothing but it definately wouldnt be my first choice. Shot plaement is always importtant no matter what you do but with a 22 it would absolutely be crucial.

  10. I remember an incident some 20 years or so ago.

    Four men broke out of prison and went on a killing spree.  Down in South Georgia, the broke into a house massacred the family there.

    When an elderly man, IIRC he was 68-years old, saw his daughter and four grandchildren being raped and murdered before his eyes, the man went berserk and did his level best to kill their attackers with his bare hands.  The old man was shot more than 20 times with a .22 rifle, 6 times with a .38 SPL revolver and was still trying to attack when he was clubbed down and beaten to death with the rifle.

    In another incident, an armed robbery suspect who was high on angel-dust became involved in aliteraly running gunbattle with God alone knows how many Chicago cops.  The foot chase and gunbattle raged for several blocks.  The bandit was struck by 33 9 mmP Silvertip bullets, and one shotgun slug to the body.  The man was dead on his feet, but still trying to fight back.  He was reloading his pistol again when he was struck in the head by a second 12 gauge shotgun slug and killed.

    The point I'm trying to make is that a .22 really is not enough to take the fight out of a determined opponent.  Get your Mom a .38 or .357 Magnum revolver.  My Mom had carried a .38 snubby for over 30 years, and has a .357 Magnum revolver on her nightstand.  That is one little old lady's house you do not wish to enter uninvited.


  11. Short answer... Only if they're on PCP and she's a crappy shot. I seriously doubt that a "normal" person will continue advancing after being shot, just once. That part of the brain that says, "Hey! Stop being a dumba**", usually kicks in after being shot once! On a side note, I've owned the Keltec P-11 and I'd recommend your mom get that, instead. It's a 9mm parabellum and she can load it with defense (hollow point) rounds, which gives it a nice wound width with acceptable accuracy at close range. I've had lots of experience shooting guns, so I'm pretty decent at it, and I kept a four-inch spread at thirty feet with hollow points, which isn't too bad. As a bonus, it's extremely compact and was (not sure if it still is) the smallest and lightest 9mm when it first came out. It looks almost like 007's PPK... Which is a bonus on my nerd-o-meter!!! Good luck!

  12. That's definitely overkill.  Your mom should go to the range and practice on shooting center mass, at varying distances.  3-4 shots from a .22 caliber is quite enough to deter any attacker.  She should also try to upgrade to a higher caliber.  If she is afraid of too much kick then a .38 caliber revolver loaded with HP or semi-wad cutter rounds is an excellent home defense pistol, 1-2 shots from one of these puppies will not only deter an attacker but will pretty much stop him from making any other house calls.  Permanently.

  13. .22LR for home defence? Not the best idea, but I suppose 30 rounds would bring them down.

  14. I dont care where you got shot 30 times... IF you got shot 30 times with .22LR hollowpoints, you are NOT going to harming anyone, and probably if you live, will be peeing into a bedpan for the rest of your life.

    It is overkill, unless she's a terrible shot. lol then she'll need all those extra rounds.

    As many have said already, nothing, but NOTHING, is better than a 12 gauge pump action shotgun loaded with #4 birdshot.  The sound of the shotgun being racked as 1 goes into the chamber is the universal sound for " Get the F out of my house or I will take your life!"

  15. yeah if he's terminator or something.

  16. The best gun for your mom would be a super black eagle II benelli shotgun. Or any benelli shotgun that has the recoil absorbing butt pad.

    You can shoot it even with one hand. With shotguns you don't have to aim it perfectly to ensure a hit. It is also semi auto so you don't have to pump it each time you pull the trigger and the best part is if you hit something its sure to go down. It will be ashamed to stand up once you hit it...

  17. not if there on crack lol  

  18. overkill u got that right..........depends where he/she got shot  

  19. It will only take one shot to deter any one if hit with a 22. A 22 can and will kill someone with one shot. If it does not kill them outright, I can guarantee that they  will decide that they need to be someplace else after getting hit.

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