
Can a person survive with low testosterone

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I had a recent injury to my t******e and I know it is causing my testosterone to go down, I have all the symptoms, depression, loss of appetite, decreased s*x drive, memory problems

I dont know if I want to take the testosterone supplements, can I survive? meaning will I ever get used to this feeling?




  1. You shouldn't have to get used to it..... see your doctor and start taking testosterone - it simply replaces the testosterone your body can no longer make... and it's perfectly safe.

    Recent evidence suggests that men with low testosterone will die sooner than men with normal testosterone so it's definitely to your benefit to get the right treatment from your doctor.

  2. Why don't you just go see a doctor about this one?

    It may not be the injury causing it at all.

  3. With Testtostorne Suplements Yes. Otherwise No!

    Shawn C.

  4. How do you 'know' you have low testosterone without having a blood draw by a physician specifically for that purpose?  'Low level' is any number below 175. If yours is truly below that number, you failed to mention lack of muscle tone, maturation of prostate, p***s, s*****m, vocal chord thickening, body musculature and fat distribution.

  5. yes!

  6. no you will dye

  7. eventually,you will.

    yes,you can survive with low testosterone levels...but,it will be difficult and may cause problems to your reproductive system and health in a long run.

    my advice,take the supplements to get your levels back to normal and you'll be fine:)

  8. Check with a doctor regarding the injury and have him measure your testosterone levels (although the 'normal' average may be very different from person to person).  If the injury is permanent and the remaining t******e doesn't pick up the slack, consider hormone replacement.  Aside from the symptoms you mentioned (which may take a long time to stablize) consider the bone density loss, hot flashes and muscle deteriorization (including heart) and other signs of old age.

    Feeling miserable, with depression, decreased libido, and disinterest in living doesn't sound like a good future.

    If your body heals and the injured t******e starts to function again, wait it out, but if you need replacement, take them under a doctors supervision.

  9. You can survive (it's not life-threatening), but you might want to take supplements, because as you have noticed, your quality of life has decreased. I think you'll be much happier if you take some supplements. Sorry for your loss.

  10. yes...look at Bill Clinton, and he has no Ba**s...

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