
Can a person who has not traveled much become a traveler in thier later years?

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I am 49 years old & my husband & I want to travel but have never been able to because of kids schedules, jobs, lack of money. We now want to live our dreams & think travleing in important. We still don't have a ton of money so what tips can you give people like us, so we can get started on being traveler's. We live in the USA, in Maryland. We have a 30 year old son who speaks Spanish & some other languages but we only speak English, I want to see the world.




  1. Yes of course.  I went to Tibet and China last year with a group including my 80 year old father and he climbed to the top of the Potala palace.  He loved every second of it.  Go everywhere.  Tour are fun.  China is cheap also.

  2. Sure you can!  Here are some tips.

    1.  Speaking of tips make sure you do. Here is a guide:

    Also always make sure you read the menu and/or check your bill to see if there is a tip included already.  If there is, and you had good service, it is advisable to add a few extra bucks.

    2.  Make sure you research the place you are traveling to, especially if it is in another country.  Some totally innocent actions may be considered offensive in other countries!

    3.   If traveling abroad, learn at least a few basic sentences in the language of the country you are in.  Phrases like "I need a doctor"  "I have lost my passport",  "I need the police" I am lost,where is [my hotel] or other phrases that may be required in an emergency.  Also phrases like "How much is this"  "Do you speak English etc....

    4.  Always check for hidden fees for traveling like parking (Many charge $30.00 a night for parking!) taxes (Some have Federal,State, City or a special "tourist tax").  Some timeshares have "Cleaning Fees".  

    5.  Always check out other travelers opinions of the hotel you will be staying at or the travel site or company you are booking with.  Some are good some are definitely not!  Here are some sites to do this: press/Expedia_Hotels_Release_FINAL1.pdf - article/the_worlds_best_hotels_according... - 27k -

    6.  Make sure you treat the people who serve you with respect,  treat them like you are making a new friend.  also ask them what they would recommend you see or do.  The locals usually know all the cool places Togo

    Have Fun traveling!

  3. It doesn't matter what age you are and it doesn't have to be expensive.  Just go and do it, your life will be more enriched from having taken the opportunity; it is the most amazing thing to broaden your experience of life and different cultures and to find out about yourself.

  4. My best advice to to either go on a cruise or with a tour company the first time. Remember what I said earlier about first times. Anyways I really like Princess cruise lines. They will take care of you from your flight to your departure going home. The expenses are all up front except what you spend while cruising. Cruising is so relaxing too. Now a great company tour company that my brother uses is called "OATS". This is for overseas travel and has a wonderful reputation. Start your dreams now and never give up your dreams.

  5. Oh yes, you can definately travel! You'll have a great time. In fact, there's even a name for people who travel a little later in life. Career Gappers, I think. There's a section on this site for people who are in the same situation as you: You'll have so much fun! Good luck!

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