
Can a person who is from another country but speaks three languages and have a masters in english find a job?

by  |  earlier

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Ok heres my question. I got a friend and friend only in Uzbeckistan.. She has a masters in English and speaks English , Russian , and Spanish.. Now she is working hard at her job, but she doesn not believe with her qualifications she could get hired here. Now let me ask you if anyone has a masters herea and can speak 3 languages, shouldnt they be able to find a decent paying job here?




  1. When you say Here, I supposed you're thinking about the USA? (My here is in Quebec).

    I'm pretty sure that unless your friend has a work permit, she'll still have a hard tine finding a job in the USA.


  2. It depends on where her Master's Degree is from and how it compares to that of a degree in the US. I mean I am sure she could get some kind of job, but who knows if it would be any good. It all depends on the circumstance I suppose. Good luck

  3. if she can only speak without reading and writing she will never get any job related to languages...

    as for a street cleaner position -- the amount of languages spoken doesn't really matter


    Language levels should be proved by Language exams certificates... phrases like "i can speak it fluently" mean really nothing


  4. consult a vocational counselor, high degrees are not always corollary to high paying employment

  5. If she has no other marketable skills or credentials, she probably should try to be a translator or bi-lingual customer service or marketing.  There is a big demand now for people bi-lingual in both English and Spanish in US.

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