
Can a person with IQ of 93 do engineering? electronics of computers?

by  |  earlier

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  1. IQ is irrelevent. If this person is capable of understanding the electronics of computers, then they have the possibility to pursue it as a career.

  2. IQ is voodoo science. Ignore it completely. Are you a good math  student?

    How much do you want it?

  3. Nope. Sorry, but you need to go to school and pass your classes first.

  4. Yes.  I'm sure they could.  It may take a few more minutes a day in studying, but the satisfaction is well worth it.  Don't listen to anyone who says you can't, if that's your passion.

    IQ tests simply measure one's ability to spot relationships quickly.  Apple is to orange as grape is to _____.  If you get enough of those multiple choice questions right, fast enough for your age, they give you a higher IQ score.  That's it.

    Whether or not you can program, solder, or design a circuit, is simply a function of how much time you want / need to invest in gaining the knowledge & skills.

  5. Don't worry about it my IQ scored pretty low when I took the test. And I still went on to become a very successful engineer.

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