
Can a person with a Jewish mother still make Aliyah to Israel altough they have converted to another religion

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Can a person with a Jewish mother still make Aliyah to Israel altough they have converted to another religion




  1. yes you can because your mother is jewish. thats all that counts

  2. Yes, the Law of Return is based on parentage, not religion.

  3. Yes

    It is a free world.

    Any one can do any thing

  4. I don't think religion has anything to do with it.

  5. Dear, as far as I am informed even people who only had a Jewish grand father are allowed to make Aliyah... that’s why there are actually so many Russians who do not have any idea what "Jewish" really means come into Israel. Most of them do not make Aliyah because they feel part of Israel or they have suddenly found their Jewish roots. They simply prefer to live anywhere where life is better than in Russia...

    In your case it would be very easy to make Aliyah, because every person born from a Jewish mother is Jewish.

    But please ask yourself first if you are really ready to live in Israel and be a real part of society there with all its consequences.

    What I simply want to say is, that if you decide to make Aliyah, then do it with your heart and a firm compromise to become part of the Israeli society and defeat its rights.

    Unfortunately nowadays there are too many people coming to Israel just to be supported by public welfare and these guys do not even stand up for their country.

    Good luck!

  6. if your mother is jewish, then you are a jew and yes you can make aliyah.

    even if you are not jewish you can make aliya , many russians immigrated to israel are not jewish and they got all the benefits.

  7. yes you still have a jewish heart a part of you that is jewish

  8. Yes he/she can!

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