
Can a person with a felony practice Chiropractic in the states?

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I received a felony 7 years ago, and I am wanting to know whether or not I can still become licensed after Chiropractic school.




  1. The answer is a flat no. If you have a felony, all health care professional jobs that require a license from the state are barred from you. It's so serious, they inform all 1st year students in med school, and I assume chiropractic school as well, don't drink and drive, a DWI is a felony and can deny you from getting a license to practice.

    There is one option. You need to talk to a lawyer. If you can have that felony record expunged or sealed by the court, then you can have a state license. You need to clear this before even entering school because schools will deny your admission. What's the point of teaching someone if they can't get a license?

  2. You may have a problem.

    Most states require a criminal background check before a chiropractic license is issued.  Depending on the nature of the crime, it may or may not be cause to deny approval.

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