
Can a person with aids get a life ins policy?

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Can a person with aids get a life ins policy?




  1. The only ways a person with the AIDS virus can get life insurance is by an employer offering group term insurance.  Some payroll deduction policies are guaranteed issue if enough employees participate. These policies will be in full benefit at issue.

    Another way to qualify for life insurance would be to apply for a Graded Benefit policy. These policies are usually small amounts, maybe up to $25,000 depending on your state, and the insurance company.

    In my state, a Graded Benefit policy, depending on the issuing company would have a two-year clause, which if death occurs in the first two policy years, the beneficiary would receive the premium paid, plus up to 10% interest. (Some are 8% interest). Also, during the first two years, the policy would pay the full face amount if death resulted from an accident. After the two years, if the insured is still living, the policy is in full force, and will pay regardless of the way death occurred.

    Other Graded Benefit policies would have a two-year graded period, whereby during the first policy year, the death benefit would be 35% of the ultimate face amount. The second policy year, the death benefit would be 75% of the face amount. In the third policy year, it would be in full force for 100% of the full face amount. If accidental death occurs in the first two policy years, up to double the full face amount would be paid.

    These policies are relatively inexpensive, considering the risk to the insurance company.

    Check with a local agent, and he/she may be able to help you.

    Best wishes, and God bless.

  2. Not all insurance policies ask for medical or health information.  So if they can find such a policy, then yes.

  3. You can probably get one that doesn't ask for a health history but it probably wouldn't be very good.

  4. Is money no object?  

    If money is no object, and you're willing to pay out more than the face value of the policy, like to avoid estate taxes, ANYONE can get a policy.

    But if you're looking to get paid out more than you pay in, it's not going to happen.

  5. Not likely.

    Unless the person is able to work and gets a job that has a certain level of life insurance benefits through work?  (Of course, they'll likely lose those benefits when they get to the point where they are too sick to work anymore.)

  6. Not if the person has already been diagnosed by a doctor as having AIDS.

  7. as far as i know you cant..but i have heard of getting a policy and if you die by anything else then aids it will pay out...sorry if that sounds yo a local insurance agent...but make sure they can work with a broker so they can look at a lot more options rather then just one company for you.

  8. Yes, guaranteed issue policies are generally available for those 40 and older.  They offer a 'graded-benefit' which means the full face value is available after 3 years and prior to the the premiums are returned plus a fixed rate of return.


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