
Can a person with glasses wear cc? are there any colored contacts (nonprescription) i could get?

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Could a person who wears glasses wear colored contacts, under glasses? I dont know how bad my vision is, but i would really like to wear colored contacts. If so, are there any (temporary) colored contacts i could get with no presription, or over-the-counter? Where?




  1. You would have to go somewhere like Walmart Optical or your eye doctor to get fitted for them. If you don't get fitted you can ruin your eyes. Then you can order from 1800contacts with no perscriptions.  

  2. If you get plano colored lenses (no power), you can wear them at the same time as glasses.  You can also get colored lenses with your prescription (most likely).  It is illegal to sell contacts in the U.S. without a prescription because they are medical devices and require a proper fitting.  You may find them at a flea market or costume shop, but they would be selling them illegally, and the lenses could irrtate or damage your eyes.  Schedule an eye exam and contact lens fitting with your eye doctor.  You can get some trial pairs to see how they look on your eyes.

  3. baby the only place you get them in at the flea marketa! sorry!

  4. yes, and yes.

    Try an optical boutique or store.  I've seen colored non-rx contacts to wear for fun (I think it was at a sunglasses kiosk in the mall).

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