
Can a police officer arrest you without a hat/helmet?

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My brother said a police officer can't arrest someone if they aren't wearing a hat/helmet, because they aren't in full uniform.

Is this true or a myth?




  1. Its a myth. If someone is that stupid as to realise they are not a police officer, then the officer could show them their warrant card.

  2. Yes if course they can, how would CID go on then or any other plain clothes dept.

  3. Myth. There are plainclothesmen. They only have to carry their badge.

  4. Well i didnt think they could arrest you, but you can get a h**l of a fine.

  5. A police officer can arrest anyone wether in uniform or not depending what the crime, and have to show you there card and say there name and where they are based, traffic laws are somewhat different to stop a vehical on the street you have to be in uniform. Its the saying a copper is on duty 24hours a day x

  6. Yes!They can arrest you without an helmet!

  7. myth....ever hear of an undercover cop?  

    A citizen can even arrest the citizens arrest.

  8. myth. most officers in my city dont wear their hats and the only ones that wear helmets are on motorcycles

  9. That's untrue they dont have to be uniformed.

  10. that is so false some officers dont have hats as part of there uniform

  11. You should always wear a helmet if you want to be arrested!

  12. False. They totally can. Because a lot dont have a hat as part of their uniform, and their are undercover officers.

  13. False, but thanks for the chuckle

  14. It's a myth that has risen from the wording of some legislation.

    The wording of many police powers, like giving a breath specimen, state that they can only be requested by a police officer in uniform, however, in the legislation, uniform is defined as clothing that identifies them as an officer, it does not mention specific items of clothing which must be worn.

  15. I think unless they're undercover they have to wear the hat.. like traffic wardens can't give you a ticket unless they're wearing their hat cause they aren't in full uniform.

  16. False an on-duty police officer can make an arrest with or without a helmet.

    What happens then if a copper loses his helmet in some mele or other and by some loop hole in a c**p law is then unable to make an arrest of ye villian what knocked off said helmet?

    Punishment for knocking of a policeman's helmet, 12 hours in the cells and no cuppa upon release.  Take that!

  17. You are probably more likely to be arrested if you are wearing a hat/helmet and in uniform. Its called impersonation.

  18. Yes they can.  Mind they don't shoot you too.

  19. A myth. Officers often take their hats off when they are chasing somebody.

  20. Yes they can, with or without uniform a police officer is a police officer therefore giving him/her the right to arrest you if you have broken the law.

  21. myth, anyone can arrest anyone else, regardless of what thry're wearing, if the arrest is for an arrestable offence.  

  22. You can be arrested by an off duty copper so your brother is wrong.

  23. Stupid is as Stupid does! Have your brother go up to an officer and knock his hat off and see what happens

  24. this is a myth. If it were true there would be no such thing as CID etc. It isnt the uniform that gives an officer the power of arrest it is their warrant

  25. false

    all they need is a badge to ensure that they are really police officers

  26. False.  And a citizen can make a citizens' arrest on you too.

  27. I can actually solve the source of this myth: The actual legislation involved states that a police officer driving an unmarked police car is not allowed perform a routine stop on a motorist, unless they are uniformed. (obviously doesn't include hard stops by surveillance teams on designated targets)

  28. This along with many others is a myth.  An officer is an officer regardless of what they are wearing which is why we can arrest anyone at any time whether on duty or not.

  29. its true

  30. UR joking, right?  Our city's police do not even HAVE hats as part of their uniform.

    Now if they forget to put on underwear... THEN you have something there.....

  31. I stopped a bloke for speeding and when I aproached his car to ask him to come to mine, I wasnt wearing my hat.

    In court his defence was this myth claiming that because I wasnt wearing it then I wasnt in uniform.

    All he did was make himself look totally stupid, I nearly wet myself at this form of legal defence.

    Needless to say he lost.

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