
Can a police officer grab your testicles during a search?

by  |  earlier

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rite tonight i was stopped on the way home frm a bbq. i was walking down the high street where i live. and the police stopped me. fair does i was walking down the street late at nite with a can in my hand. anyway they made me empty my pockets and they looked through everything and patted me down. anyway during this pat down her grabbed my balls. and i mean a full on grab.

all because someone got stabbed.

anyway can they legally grab my balls or was this an over zealous officer




  1. no body has the right to sexually assault you unless you want them to so the answer is no

  2. A male officer can search the groin area by patting you down in that area...  after all, its the one place people think they wont be searched in.

    If someone has been stabbed in the area, the police officer isn going to take any chances with either his safety or the publics safety by being squemish in this search area.

    Its the same reason why a female officer can pat down the breast area of a female suspect - its the most likely place they would hide something.

  3. they can't legally but there is nothing you can do I'm afraid

  4. its legal..

  5. Her can't do that..

  6. Ok, no offense but 1st try spell check so you don't come off as uneducated. For a police officer to stop you they must have probable cause or reasonable suspicion, you must have fit the description of the alleged stabber. Can you honestly say you would not want the police to stop and search/question someone who stabbed your loved one? As for the search, can you stuff a knife down there? The answer is yes, except in extreme emergencies a female cannot do a full groin grab on a male, a male officer will be requested. Remember if there is enough probable cause a telephonic warrant can be requested for your rectal cavity (and vaginal for females) in which a doctor will, well you get the picture. So to answer your question, yes they were in the right, did they enjoy it-no. Have I ever found something that wasn't supposed to be down there when searching someone-yes, such as an 8ball taped to a t******e-1, 2, 3? We call that a clue.

  7. the really relevant fact here is.." someone got stabbed..."..I would say that the police are entitled to do whatever was necessary to find the culprit and if you happened to be inconvenienced ........well tough...!!

  8. Police have full rein now. They can do anything they want and you have no recourse.

  9. Maybe she thought you had a great package and wanted to cop a feel.  She'll just say the area was large and she didn't know if you had hidden something in there.  She just wanted to make sure.

  10. When an officer searches someone, they do so as thoroughly as they are trained to do so that nothing is missed.

    I personally always search right up to someones crotch and run the back of my hand along the underside of the testicles to make sure nothing is concealed there.  This sometimes upsets people but its how I've been trained to search.  I always tell the person I'm searching that this is what I'm about to do by indicating that I'm going to search right up to their crotch so they are aware.  Its not something I particularly enjoy doing but its necessary.

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