
Can a police officer pull you over for another police officer?

by Guest62821  |  earlier

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Driving on the interstate, an officer flashes their lights signaling for me to pull over. Going with the flow of traffic, I pulled over. She stated I was going so much over the speed limit, and I keep a close eye on my speedometer and I wasn't going as fast as she stated I was. There was also cars in front of me. Not only that, she clearly stated that she pulled me over for another officer but did not state his/her name or provide me with any information of this so-called "other officer." I signed the citation but my copy doesn't even have an imprint of my signature on it. Is a police officer able to pull you over for another officer although they have no record of you speeding whatsoever themselves?




  1. Sure they can. If one asks the other via radio to pull you over... Given they have probably cause to do so.

  2. Simple answer.  Yes it is done all the time.  Standard operating proceedure actually.

    As to fighting it.  Good luck.  I went to college with a guy who was a radar expert and he was able to get off by proving the signal could not have locked onto his car given the conditions.  Of course my bet is you are not an educated expert on radar systems like the guy I went to college with who happened to also be in the military with highly specialized training in radar systems...

  3. Yes they can.  In fact it happens a lot.  Police may act on the information provided to them by other Officers.  If you contest the ticket the Officers will both need to appear in court.

  4. Simple answer: Yes. Sorry but it is completely legal. You can fight the ticket in court but as far as Number 1 pulling you over because number 2 said to, that is legal.

  5. Get a radar detector, and the phantom plate cover that deflects the flash of the cameras, the government wants more and more money, and traffic tickets are really just a form of a tax.

  6. Yes, the report from one police officer to another gives the second officer probable cause to pull you over.  The veracity of the allegations would then be hashed out in your trial, should you choose to fight the ticket.

  7. Yep. It happens a lot. One officer will run laser or radar, and other officers will actually conduct the stop.  

  8. Sure... it happens all the time.

    If you go to court, both officers will be present.

  9. We get speed traps all the time that do that. One car will hit you with radar going by. 2 motorcycle cops 1/2 mile down the road will pull you over in a safe location.

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