
Can a president serve his two terms then later go on to be vice-president?

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Can a president serve his two terms then later go on to be vice-president?




  1. Most likely, I guess it's just never been done.

  2. No. He is barred from serving again as President or Vice President. He can, of course, be elected to congress, which some have done.

    It would be interesting if a President served his two terms, became a congress person, and eventually Speaker of the House, and then something happened to both the sitting President and Vice President, leaving the Speaker to become President. Would they just skip over him or her?

  3. No. The vice-president must be someone eligible to serve as president, and a 2-term president is not eligible.

  4. Yes, The US Constitutuion only precludes a person from running (and then winning) for President more than twice.  It does not prevent aomeone from succession to the Oval Office like baing vice president or Speaker of the House.

  5. yes but if the president dies he wont take over unless theres less than 2 years of the term left.

  6. If it's George Bush, then the answer is yes. Because the matter would eventually wind up before the Supreme Court, and we all know what they would say.

  7. No, Bill Clinton checked that out when Hilary wanted to be President.

  8. i think so.

    a president cannot serve three ELECTED terms, if i recall correctly (just got news that i passed AP history)...

    Probably could happen if the former president was elected speaker of the house and then the current president and vice president die as well...

  9. No because if the president died then that would lead to a 3rd term, which can't happen.

  10. Yes

  11. Nothing says no but now a days they don't need to once they've been president they're set for life.

  12. No. But then again, why would you want to be President only to run for Vice President later? That's like Jerry Brown, who was Governor of California who later became Mayor of Oakland. That seems a bit like a step backwards if you ask me.

  13. Why, do you want Bush for a third term?

  14. no,because the president can die and he would become president and then he would serve 3 terms and thats not constitutional.

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