
Can a primary tenant sign themselves off a lease?

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I've got a friend who's currently living with his cousin, who's the primary tenant of the apartment, and his younger cousin who just turned 18. He wants to sign off the lease and move out, because there has to be two tenants on at one time, but he and the older cousin both have been trying to dump this responsibility on each other, and of course I'm going to look out for him, so, my question is: Is it possible for her, the primary tenant, to sign herself off the lease? If so, please elaborate. Thanks. =]




  1. No, a tenant cannot sign themselves off the lease.

    The only way for one tenant to be removed from the lease is if the landlord and all other tenants/roommates who are party to the lease, agree to remove the one tenant from the lease in writing.

  2. As a rule, I don't let ANYONE off of a current lease and I certainly wouldn't let one person off a current valid lease without the express written permission of the other lessee.

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