
Can a psychic answer me please?

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Psychic I want to know if this guy Sebastian likes me. We live in the same house now and he always hangs around me but I don't know if he likes me or just being friendly.

Also I want to know if I messed it up yesterday by talking about how my ex wanted to kill me. He seemed freaked out and might not like me anymore.

I need a reading on my love life to know if there is a guy coming to me soon and if it is my house mate or someone else.

Tell me what you see for me in the near future




  1. hello! i am no psychic but i have good common sense and the ability to analyze situations! i have been in similar situations so i found your question not only interesting but also it brought back some fond memories that took me back in thank you! anyways, if this guy is being friendly to you then i would gather he likes you! cool, and this is great! being friends, and or being friendly is the most important and fun part in a developing relationship. enjoy it! it is a possibility that if your in question about his feelings twords you, then he might be in question about your feelings twords him! if you feel that things are comming together like a puzzle then communicating with your eyes is a great way to take things to another level! we like that! we like that passionate look that says, " hey, i like you" then words...communication puts everything into stone! dont be pushy though, we find that irritating and a turn-off! we are the hunters, and we like a hunt to be challenging so dont make it to easy for him to go in for the kill! from my own experiance an easy kill is boring and less interesting...turn-off! let him get close enough to have a finger, or a toe, then make an unexpected move so he has to change course in his pursuit of the prize! this sudden move keeps us dudes thinking, and will make you more interesting and challenging! from experiance, i have learned the hard about talking about the..."ex" dont be to hard on yourself and thinking you might of messed things up! we are people and we are a free and communicating speices! we should be able to talk about whatever is on our minds as long we are not hurting anyone with our tounges! it all depends how he is, his personality and his judgements that will determine if you "messed-up"! it is what it is, we are who we are, and had our unfortunate days! people should be kind, respectfull, and understanding to our individual lives! acceptance is the foundation for true, unconditional love and without this wear and tear will create cracks which can lead to a loving relationship not being at its full potential! so remember one messes up! and lets say he does make a u-turn and strays away cause of this mentioning of the "ex"? well, life goes on and he just might lack some important ingredients for a tasty and desireable relationship! you dont halfto worry about messing up now cause now you know we are who we are and if someone lacks certain traits to understand this, then he is who he is! youll find love, we all do with paitence and loving ourselves firsthand! hmm, i will try this psychic stuff and see if i can see into your love future...hmm, let me see...yep, i see him! tall, dark and handsome ( hope you like spaghetti, hes italian) financially secure, stable, respected in the community, and loves his mom most of all! d**n, that sounds freaking good huh? mmmyummy! lol! hey, it could happen and if it does know that i knowlingly, with intent to bring false hopes only told you what you would want to here! is it sabastian? dont know, is he? if a psychic tells you he is? he probably ain! they know what you want to here by your question...well, i admit, i like to type, talk, and give advice! sorry if i bored you? but, i am who i am and i just like to type, talk about boring stuff, and help people! goodluck, peace out!

  2. He likes you, but he doesn't know for sure that you like him, so he's too scared to make the move. He doesn't want rejection

  3. i think u are crazy that live with that guy push him away and find the best

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