
Can a psychic please tell me how to get money?

by  |  earlier

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I have been told by multiple psychics that I am going to come into money. I would like to know if anyone can see how or when this will happen? Things I should do or not do to help it come to me? Thank you for any help!




  1. go for lottery etc..on any wednes day when mercury is at the end of sagittarius while moon transiting his own star when the rising sign is scorpio-18*15'

  2. i see one word... oh... here it is... its... JOB

    lol, stop being lazy

  3. i found what you got to do it's a three letter world you need to read carefully here it is get a JOB!

  4. Yeah. I see you coming across money too. I'm seeing you filling out some documents and signing papers.

    Go out and apply for a few jobs and you'll be making some cash.  

  5. Become a stripper.

  6. I see that you should get a job!

  7. if he knew would he tell u  yes by ur relying on one u can be losing some

  8. Get a job.

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