
Can a public school give conduct cuts to kid who uses 2 squirts of soap instead of one?

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My daughter's school gave her conduct cuts on several occasions for for using more than one squirt of soap. She didn't just keep pushing the button down, she literally used 2 instead of one. I want to complain, but I don't know if they are within their rights or not.




  1. You are her mother... does it seem petty and detracting from her education to be getting in trouble for soap usage? It sure does to me. Stand up for you daughter! Who is counting how many squirts of soap each child in the school is using when they should be educating? And if they aren't watching every child, then why are they focusing on your child?

  2. That's silly.  You should talk to the school, but try to be nice about it.  The school is probably trying to save money on soap, but what kind of message does that send to kids.  "Wash your hands, but not very well".

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