
Can a pumice stone be used to exfoilate?

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Like on legs before shaving so that they will stay smooth longer?




  1. yes

  2. Yepp:]

    they are also nice on the feet

  3. yea

  4. It can. I use a pumice stone for my calluses. I do ballet so i get tons of them. Don't use them on soft skin because it will cause redness and sometimes bleeding. (I've tried to exfoliate my legs with a pumice stone and it hurt a lot.) Only use a pumice stone on thick skin i.e calluses on hands and feet. You can buy exfoliating cloths at bath and body works or other stores like that. Cloths will work on your legs a lot better than a stone will.  

  5. no not on legs....try a good apricot scrub on a washcloth. and be sure to moisturize after or else they will dry up.  

  6. no they are usually used on a harder surface such as the soles of your feet but feel free to experiment and let me know how that goes..good luck

  7. i wouldn't try it...pumice would be really harsh on your legs and would leave them scratchy instead of smooth. For a home made exfoliant mix a little olive oil with some sugar. rub this into your legs and wash it off...the nutrients in the olive oil will keep your legs smooth for days.  

  8. If it a really coarse and grainy pumice stone i guess you could gently rub it on your legs but i don't think it would as well as using a scrub, plus your legs would get way too sensitive and probably get those little red bumps after shaving/

  9. No, they cannot be used for any reason.

  10. Yes it will keep your skin smooth. But it won't keep hair from growing faster - in fact it might make hair grow faster because you are stimulating the hair follicles by exfoiliating.

  11. yea the porous surfaces help scrub off dead skin....

  12. I've never heard of using it on your legs. I just use it to get dry skin off my feet.

    I did find this link though that talks about it.

  13. on legs it is too harsh

  14. a pumice stone is too rough to use to exfoliate your legs. it is usually used to exfoliate your feet (heels, mostly).

    you should use a loofah instead. they look like a rough sponge. you can find them in the bath section at the store.

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