
Can a qualified massage therapist practice other massage therapies like hot stone massage?

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Aimee, I was just wondering, I am a fully qualified massage therapist and reflexologist and I have some infomration on 1 and 2 day workshops in hot stone massage therapy, indian hopi candle and thai massage. If I undertook these workshops would that sufficient to practice, where did you train?




  1. You don't even have to attend the workshops to legally practice various modalities. You can read a book on the treatment, watch a video or have the treatment done and have the therapist explain it to you. I would however be very cautious about starting ANY new treatment, even if you attend a workshop. Make sure you understand the procedure and I'd suggest practicing on either yourself or a friend before offering services to the public. As long as you're a certified massage therapist, you can do any modality.

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