
Can a railroad be established in a residential area if they have the right of way and how close can they be?

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Can a railroad be established in a residential area if they have the right of way and how close can they be?




  1. You betcha.

    But, it can be a railroad, highway, land fill --- you name it.  It is called the "right of eminent domain."  If a benefit to the public can be established, "they" can take your land, your home, the town cemetery or any real property you own or you can imagine.

    The carpet baggers are still alive and well.  People should consider this when crying for light rail or other public rail transport.  The trip to the "station" may bring you to the very spot where you used to roll out of bed in the morning...

  2. They certainly can. Depending on the local laws, you can usually have input over the design and how close they can get.

    I'm from Calgary. When they hammered the light rail line through the community of Sunnyside, there are some buildings that got their balconies chopped off for the line. The tracks are 6 feet from their windows (Mind you the line is awesome and carries 80 000 passengers per weekday).

    Mind you that is rare these days. Usually so much input is allowed, nothing rarely gets that close and often residents get financial compensation for it.

    Laws regarding that change drastically from place to place. Contact your local government and planning commission first. Concerns are best heard if a large group is concerned.

    Watch out for meetings and open houses. These answer most questions and this is where you can give your input. Don't just think somebody else will go.

  3. If they already own the property yes they can.

    I think most railroads use about 60 feet from the centerline both ways as a width but I have seen tracks between buildings in an alleyway no more than 15 feet wide.

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