
Can a rat have babbies with a rabbit?

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have a hollon lop bunny named Luna, ad me and my friend think and kind of want them to have babbies. She has a rat named Lysander. Any help or information would be good.




  1. no its not possible rats only mate with the same spieces. same with rabbits. i would not suggest putting them in the same cage toghther.  

  2. Ever heard of a human having a baby with a cow?

    No? Well that probably means your rat-bunny idea would not go too smoothly either.

    Animals that have the same type of reproductive parts can reproduce. All animals of different species have different reproducing parts. So it not only would not ever happen naturally, but it would never happen physically.

    Besides, they cannot communicate with eachother, and would only stress out from being terrified rom one another, or maybe even some injuries. And tell your friend that having a rabbit left unspayed is not healthy for it. Get them to spay her, it will reduce illnesses and elongate her life.

  3. No a rat and a rabbit cannot mate. They are not the same species and have a different chromosonal pattern. Rats are rodents and rabbits are lagamorphs.

  4. No. Rabbits and rats cannot produce offspring.  

  5. No. They are not both rodents (rabbits are legomorphs) so... no.

  6. no

  7. They are different species, so no way! That is SOOOOOO imposibly odd

  8. Not only are they not the same species, but they are also not both rodents.  Rabbits are lagomorphs and aren't even able to breed with wild rabbits.  If you're hoping for some mule/zedonk type thing like a rattit, I'm very sorry.

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