
Can a rat terrier be taught to retrieve?

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I have a litter of rat terriers and I have chosen the one that I like. My boyfriend likes to bird hunt (particularly dove hunting) and I want to be able to bring my dog with us when he gets older. I've been clapping by him to get him used to loud sounds, so my question is just can a rat terrier be trained to retrieve a bird the size of a dove.

By the way, if anyone is going to criticize me for having a boyfriend who is a hunter, I don't love it either. I'm from canada and now live in texas and basically every man here hunts.

Thank you




  1. yes. they can. (:

    mine knows how to retrieve. (:

  2. A rat terrier can be trained to hunt -  it is what they were bred for so they do it naturally. A rat terrier can also be taught to retrieve - a ball or a stick. But I'm not sure if he is the right dog for the purposes you're presenting. Watch the puppies while they play: when they get something in their mouth, they shake it violently - they are hard-wired to hunt and kill rats. He may retrieve the dove, but by the time he brings it back to you, you're going to wish he left it there!

    Sorry! But they have so many other good qualities, take him with you to keep the barn free of rats!

  3. First, distinguish between hunting and retrieving.  Ratties are natural hunters, very big in the South as trackers and hunters of small game (especially squirrels).  Some of them can even climb trees.

    Second, there is a big difference between hunting and retrieving.  For a good retriever, you need a dog that has a "soft mouth" (so it won't crush the bird it retreives).  You need a dog that is biddable (takes direction well).  You need a dog that will hold a stay until released.  You (depending upon the type of hunting) may also want a dog that deals with water well.

    I own a rattie.  Don't hunt with it but I know a number of folks who have rat terriers for a variety of uses.

    1.  They are superb hunters and trackers.  Great eyesight (better than most dogs), quick to pick up on motion and very prey-driven (that's both a positive and a negative).

    2.  Capable of having a very soft mouth.  I know mine does.  And twice he's brought me birds he caught (with the bird's wings and body in his mouth), I got him to release the bird, set it loose and it flew off both times.  That's the kind of "soft mouth" you want in a retreiver--if it can carry a live bird without killing or damaging it, that dog has the mouth to retrieve.

    3.  Rat terriers are problematic with retrieving and stays.  That's because they're very prey-driven.  Put a rattie near a group of small animals and it will charge after them (not say and wait for the command to fetch).  Rat terriers will retrieve balls and fetch them (so they can be trained to retrieve game).  But their instinct is to hunt, not retrieve.  Have game show in front of a rattie and the dog will go after it.  So its instincts are to hunt, not retrieve.

    4.  Some ratties hate water.  So if your boyfriend is a duck hunter it's a poor choice of dog (combined with the usual short coat).

    Short answer:  rat terriers can absolutely be trained to retrieve.  They're not ideal retrievers (for that, I'd get, uh...a retriever!).  They have some strengths and some weaknesses in that role. But they absolutely can be trained to retrieve game.  And they're great hunting and tracking dogs.   They'd be superb at stirring or flushing game.  And you won't find a better pet animal.

  4. Yes, he can be trained to hunt.

    Terriers are just a different sort of hunter after all.

    Try it.  If it doesn't work, at least you all got out and had fun.

    He might be at a disadvantage.  Retrivers and other "gun dogs" are bigger which can be an advantage for them in the woody/watery areas where people hunt.

  5. if my girlfriend can be trained to retrieve

    I think your rat terrier can do it too!!

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