
Can a relationship work out where 2 people are COMPLETELY opposite?

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I love my boyfriend. But seriously, the only thing we have in common is that we both love each other. Every other thing is honestly opposite.

I know opposites attract, but do they stay together?




  1. I would say yes.  I have seen it happen my sister and her husband are complete opposite and they have been happily married for years.

  2. Hey i had the same thing. i went out with this guy who is totally different. see here am a well as people in my school say prep skater/puck/emo. what ever you want to say. but i went out with a hard core skater. and well we had really nothing in common. but we both really cared about each other and our diffrences where cool, because we had more things to talk about and diffrent things to do every time we hung out. and well opposites do attract i say. cuz ever since then its always been opposites that i am attracted to.


  3. They can but you have to work together to keep each other together. That's how it works.  

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