
Can a restaurant manager throw you out of a restaurant without any warning or advisement for doing nothing?

by Guest59210  |  earlier

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I was eating at an Ihop Restaurant and for no reason the restaurant manager without warning or advisement contacted the police for me and my husband to leave the premises while we were eating breakfast. No explanation given from the managers or police office, just "I'm sorry" from the floating restaurant manager. The police stated there would be no report, this would be only a verbal warning and never to return back to the restaurant. Even though me and my husband have eaten there many times. I even have a receipt for eating at the same restaurant the day before? Can anyone please let me know if this is legal?




  1. It is legal but you can talk to the manager's boss.  I would see a lawyer

  2. Every buisnes including resturants have the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime.  

    However, this manager seems to be unprofessional, he should have given you a decent reason for asking you to leave and involving the police.

    While his actions were in fact legal, you should contact the district manager for the IHOPS in your area, you can find thier number on the internet or by calling your local IHOP and asking for the number.

    The district manger will investigate and report back to you on what the cause for this was and any resolution that can be reached.

  3. It might be legal but I guarantee that the IHOP home office won't feel that way and you need to call the corporate offices and talk to someone imediately. Are you sure you didn't do something the day before?? Anything??

    IF not it could be a case of mistaken identity. For them to not issue a reason is ridiculous.

  4. maybe he thought that u guys were handling something illegal. but i do not think that it is legal without evidence

  5. You didn't ask "why?"  Seems very unusual; most restaurants want to increase business, not alienate customers.  I would talk to the manager and if that gets you nowhere, talk to the regional IHOP people.  Bad PR is not what most chains are looking for.

  6. If he owns it, he sure can

  7. Do tell, you said the officer gave a verbal warning- what was the warning?

  8. No, he can't do that.  Not unless there's a reason.

    So tell us the truth, is this a joke?  If not what were you REALLY doing?

  9. I can't understand that if NOTHING was going on, the manager would have thrown you out.  It seems like something would have been happening... even if it wasn't your fault, maybe someone else had pissed him off, or maybe he thought you were someone else.

  10. Yes.

  11. no

    he doesnt own the resturant

    if does own it he can

  12. you must have done something, because i doubt they would call the police for no reason. maybe you were mistaken for somebody else ...

    unless you were denied service for a prohibited reason (like your race or gender or a disability) you probably have no legal claim. but talk to a lawyer.

    and write a letter to ihop. but a respectful one, not an angry obscene one.

  13. Usually establishments have posted on the premises a sign saying that they have the right to refuse service to anyone, so they can have you tossed out if they choose to. They should have given you a refund, though.

    I highly doubt you were not advised in any way that your business was not wanted there. Since you claim you ate there the day before, then I would guess that at that time you were told not to frequent the place anymore, so that would have constituted as your warning. And I doubt that you did nothing wrong or unwanted. Perhaps in your mind it wasn't anything which mattered but it might have mattered to others. Lots of times people have offensive behaviour which they themselves see as being acceptable, such as excessive farting, but which others are offended by.

  14. It's legal. Something weird was going on. I wasn't there, so I can't tell you what it was.

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