
Can a restaurant refuse to give you a to-go box for certain foods?

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I visit a restaurant that offers All-You-Can-Eat wings on Mondays. The policy used to allow customers to take the order to go if you were on your initial order (20 wings). If you placed a reorder you couldn't take it home. They've since changed that policy and now refuse boxes completely. I'm curious to know if restaurants are allowed to do this? Since technically I paid for the initial 20 wings and there is no written disclaimer.




  1. Yes a restaurant can refuse to give you a to go box. In NJ if you go to an all you can eat buffet some places allow you to take home the food, but will charge you by the pound of food your taking home.

  2. Most all you can eat restaurants do not offer take home boxes.  It is 'all you can eat' at that sitting.  If you order a menu item, not an all you can eat item, you should be able to take home your leftovers.

  3. i live in new york, but i have eaten in restaurants all over the country and in any that offer the all you can eat deal, doggie bags are a huge no no, always have been

  4. If this is not a buffet, then they should give you a box if you are still eating your original order. Like shrimp at AYCE places.

  5. Yes they can. All you can eat items are not allowed to go boxes. You have to eat it on their premises only!

  6. I work in a restaurant, and the only time we cannot give togo boxes is when there is a buffet. People load up and then want it to go, after they've already ate!

    That is where restaurants make their money. People pay X-amount of money for food, and then what people don't use, it's profit, unless it's already given to the customer.

    The restaurant can also charge for togo containers too. It's up to the restaurant!

  7. Yes, they can.  You didn't pay for 20 wings, you paid for all you can eat and you did not eat that many.  Most all you can eat restaurants will not allow any doggie bags at any time.  I think part of the reason for the change is that only the food server knows that you had only one serving and the cashier and manager sees possibly a load of food, aka money, going out the door.  

    Next time ask them if you could get the initial amount to go, they might allow that.  

    You didn't list your location.  See if there is a restaurant called Buffalo Wild Wings.  The do not have an all you can eat offer but they do have Wing Tuesdays and boneless wings Thursdays where you pay a reduced price per wing which you can take out.  I am not quoting a price because I believe it varies by location.

  8. Yes they can it is legal, if you make a scene in the restaurant it is also legal for them to bar you from the property. Bring your own box and trying to sneak them out of the restaurant will get you arrested, and then they will take the wings from you.  You did not pay for the 20 wings you paid for all you can eat at one time in the restaurant.

  9. yes they can do this. i work at a restaurant that offers all you can eat pasta in October. a lot of people ask for to go boxes. i want to say "HELLO PEOPLE! it's all u can eat not all you can take home!" if i give them a box i can be fired, if i don't i lose whatever tip they were considering leaving me. i never risk my job, i forfeit the tip every time. people could be more understanding and not so greedy.

  10. Sure - otherwise, someone could come in and get an order, and then go split it with someone else.  They are missing out on selling a meal to someone.  They are limiting their losses to someone who could be trying to scam them.

  11. People are so crazy sometimes.  A restaurant does not have to give a customer a box for anything it doesn't matter if its a buffet or not.  There are no laws that state they must give you a box.  Want to take your wings with you bring your own box duh!!

  12. only on a buffet can the refuse if there is no written disclaimer

  13. thats stupid that you cant because its not like they can put it back and reserve it after you are finished with it, its just going to be thrown away anyways why not let you keep it

  14. No restaurant is compelled to give you take home boxes. Some do, as a courtesy, but many more don't.

  15. Yes they can.  All You Can Eat restaurants do not give you to go containers.  This is the policy.    God Bless.

  16. yes, no to go boxes for a buffet UNLESS you buy a one time through as a take-out meal.

  17. honey, its how they make their money. it's all about the money......

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