
Can a retainer fix crooked teeth?

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My two front teeth are pretty straight, but one tooth comes out farther than the other. I never had braces and never want to get them. Invisaline is not an option either. It doesn't hurt it just looks out of place. Would a retainer fix this problem??




  1. It may be able to if you get Hawley retainers. Hawley retainers are the visible ones with a wire in front that you can see. Hawley retainers can move teeth slightly.

    Go see a orthodontist.  

  2. Well, in order to get a retainer, you need to have a mold taken of your teeth, so it would fit exactly over your teeth and wouldn't push them into the right direction. I have had braces and one of my front teeth is still a little bit further out than the other, just don't let it bother you if you don't want to get it fixed :}

  3. I have a retainer, but only because I grind my teeth. It doesnt help to straighten your teeth. It might prevent them from moving farther apart, but it wont make it better.


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