
Can a retarded couple adopt an baby internationally without having to pay extra?

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A deserving couple from my church are trying unsuccessfully with foster care. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.

PS: Please be nice. They are a really nice couple.




  1. No.

    But it seems that any r****d can ask a question on YA.

    Kudos to you!!!!

  2. Just a comment:

    Mentally Retarded *is* an appropriate term to use for a person who is, in fact, mentally retarded. Some people have moved away from that term over the last 20 or so years and have used the more P.C. terms "mentally challenged" or "mentally disabled," but for a person with an IQ of 70 or below, "mentally retarded" is an appropriate term.

  3. I don't even think they allow retarded couples to adopt babies.

  4. I don't think most countries  would allow legally retarded people to adopt.

    I'm thinking of something sarcastic to say, but....... the NyQuil is kickin' in, sorry.

  5. Wow, your telling us to be nice, but yet you go and call them a "retarded" couple. Wow, i think Mentally handicapped would have been nicer to use.

    I'm not sure if they can, i would like to think that they can but i don't know. They need to contact the agency, a lawyer, etc.

  6. You ask for niceness when you didn't even describe these people particular disabilities, just referred to them as retarded.When being able to determine the exact cause for

    their disabilities may help in counseling them as to whether or not adoption is their best option.

  7. Please don't use that word.  It isn't the correct term anymore.

  8. I am sure they are a really nice couple, but can they parent?

    They would have to go through the same process, as any other couple wanting to adopt.

    Money would not or should not be a deciding factor, in adopting internationally.

  9. What do you mean by "having to pay extra"? Price is not based on IQ.

    Please don't refer to them as retarded.

  10. I've heard that Nunavut is darn near famous for exporting their Inuit children to other Provinces and us Canucks are well known for our compassion toward differently abled peoples.

    So yeah a couple retards might be able to get an eskimo kidlet from the great white nowhere.



    I don't think the proper term for obtaining a guatling is "adopt" ;)

  11. Oh but isn't it the general agreement around here that all that really matters in adoption is that the adopters have enough love to give?

    I mean look at all the answers to Sunny's question, obviously if the retards around here who can't spell or construct a legible sentence should be able to adopt, then why can't these nice people from Independant's church?

    Love people, it makes the world go 'round.

    All you need is love.

    Love is a many splendored thing.

    Love, love, love.

    For a good time, call Gaia 555-LOVE.

  12. It has nothing to do with "paying extra." You are not "buying" a child. International contries range from strict ( wanting to knwo all your medical issues, and subjecting you to exams) to very strict, ruling you out over excess body weight. It also depends on them passing a homestudy sayign they would be competant parents and then the government also approving them, and if they are on any sort of assistance etc, they might not qualify to bring a child into the country to become a citizen. You best bet would be to call agencies to ask about differnt countries and their policies.

    But from your un-pc ness (paying extra, and retarded?) It doesnt seem as if your really serious.

  13. Well I think "retarded" is a pretty harsh way in describing there disability.

    But I guess it would depend on how impaired they are and whether there really capable of taking care of a child. If so.... Then being that I live in South Florida I know that "Haiti" has tons of deserving children looking for great families! I know the adoption fee's are really low compared to other countries/islands. That would be a great thing for you to help them look into.

    Good luck Hun, and it is very thoughtful of you to want to help!

    God Bless

  14. Ok first i guess you are not the best of christian if you are calling them retarded it is physically challenanged

    But i am sure a lawyer could explain it to them

    I have told them people at wal-mart off for wearing them shirts that says they are taking money for the retarded people and they have stop coming to our walmart

  15. I seriously doubt your question is real based on many factors, including your use of multiple push points  like "retarded", "deserving", "church", "pay extra", but I'll answer anyway.

    There's probably a good reason why they've been unsuccessful with foster care.  International children are no less real children than the ones in foster care.

  16. I do know  to adopt domestically or internationally, you must be approved using a home study. a mentally challenged retarded person will not get past the home study.

  17. No idea.  But, due to the varied degrees of the mentally challenged, there probably are some couples who would make great adoptive parents.  Would they have to pay extra?  Probably not.

    I will say this though, I would MUCH rather be adopted by a mentally imparied couple, then a cold hearted person who would make fun of their disability.

    There are so many levels and various degrees of the mentally challenged, with many functioning fine in the world, especially with the ability to read.  Shame on all who think this is funny.  To anyone who is reading this and has faced this type of cold-hearted fun at your expense throughout your years, I'm sorry.

    It's sad to go through life with some form of brain damage, as slight as that might be.  But, it's pathetic to willingly be this ignorant.

  18. YOU be nice. Why do you have to call them "retared."

    It's 2008. That is just as bad as the N-word.

    real talk.

  19. What has everyone been drinking tonight?  Can I have some?

  20. It all depends on country and what the country's requirement is for adoption.  Example, in Taiwan, they require that you be under a certain BMI, so if you're too fat, you can't adopt.  Then there are age maximums, education, etc.  So, if the couple you know are "mentally challenged" as in they're just slow, but can simple math and HS graduated, then they probably should find difficulty.  If they're mentally challenged as in they have Down's Syndrome, then I doubt any agency can consciously allow them to adopt.

    Whatever the case, good luck.  As for payment, if accepted, the fees are same no matter your mental capacity.

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