
Can a rich camel be pushed through the eye of a needle. ?

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Can a rich camel be pushed through the eye of a needle. ?




  1. It's hyperbole!  Of course you can't.  That's the point.

    The first time this remark was recorded was when it was made by Jesus:  Mark 10.25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

    A rich young ruler asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life.  When challenged to give away his riches and follow Jesus,  "he went away sad, because he had great wealth."

    Jesus ' remark about the camel was a graphic illustration of the difficulty of the young man.

  2. Yes - you either need a large needle or an equally large blender.

  3. The Eye of the Needle was a very low gate, making it difficult for a tall animal like a  camel to get through.  The answer?  He would have to kneel, to bow, to show humility, to make it through.

  4. definitely, money does more than talk

  5. Biblical for the camel shall pass through the eye of a needle before the rich man will enter my kingdom. ..

    Christ , upon telling a non believer who sought redemption to go first and sell everything to the poor and then come follow me....

    EYE OF THE NEEDLE - In ancient roman days an army out post was shaped like a large Igloo or round barracks and long tunnel leading in. It made it difficult if not impossible to get through for an enemy.  The tunnel my friend was known as the "Eye of the Needle"

  6. Maybe, rich or poor, if you tied it to a length of thread !!

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