
Can a router protect you from people using a backdoor keylogger on your computer? What about a firewall?

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Can a router protect you from people using a backdoor keylogger on your computer? What about a firewall?




  1. of course, on the other side of the fence most routers have built-in firewalls.  ours does.  that's why i don't actually have a separate firewall on my Vista machine.

    Linux is a great choice though because it has a firewall-type thing built into the core operating system itself (called iptables).  with this and a router, you never need to install any additional firewalls.

  2. No a router can allow you to transfer data wirelessly.  It can also allow people (and hackers) to enter you network.  

    *And to gain access to your pc

    Put a password on your router

    One thing that one must do is password protect ones router in order to keep people from logging into your network and stealing sensitive data.

    If you think offenders are logging into your network through a router, than password protect your router.

    Log into your router. Set up the password there.


    1) Goto Start/Run

    2) Type in "cmd"


    1) Click the Start button

    2) Type in "command"

    Once you are in the command prompt:

    1)Type in "ipconfig"

    2) In your Internet browser type in "http://" followed by your default gateway (found in the command prompt)

    ***Example: (try clicking the link)

    3) Login (search online for login info) Usually admin, password

    3) There should be a link on the side somewhere. It should have several options like WEP, WPA etc.

    A firewall will scan all incoming and outgoing traffic to your pc.

    That will protect you from keyloggers (yes, because they send out your info).

    *But you will need to DL one other than MS's version.

    *because MS only scans incoming (useless if the keylogger is sending your info out to the other person)



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