
Can a sagittarius and a taurus own a business together?

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Can a sagittarius and a taurus own a business together?




  1. Very bad match ; and    all Taurus should never get in business with a partner ; they need some time to think and are insecure about money SAgg are very impulsive ; its always right now or nothing  

  2. Taurus and Sagittarius business compatibility

    In business pursuits, where some kind of structure is usually already made, Taurus and Sagittarius will do best in self-employment, perhaps as a duo or in a team that puts their unusual qualities to commercial use. Forced to learn bookkeeping, accounting and financial planning, the relationship will be forced to map uncharted waters and to eschew sloppiness in money matters

  3. Since Sagittarius is known as the most philosophical sign and Taurus as the most harmonious, yes. Sagittarius has a main attraction to Taurus so the Sagittarius would understand the Taurean needs.

  4. yes, this combination is actually quite good (supposedly)--each has what the other lacks (earth is opp fire), and one is mutable and the other fixed

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