
Can a salaried employee be expected to work overtime without compensation?

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My friend has been working 14-18 hour days for the last two weeks. Since he's on salary, he does not get time and a half. He also doesn't get comp time for those extra hours, and he is denied a lunch break during those days. He is expected to work holidays, too and is not allowed standard sick pay and vacation leave. With all the hours he works, his hourly rate comes to less than $4 per hour.

Is this legal? He did not sign a contract with his employer that would exempt him from lunch breaks, comp time, etc. This is in Oklahoma, by the way.




  1. You need to check out your area Wage and Labor board also check with your local employment ofc, they should be able to answer any questions you may have pertaining to employment.

  2. unpaid OT is normal for salaried people, but no lunch break is a federal labor violation - as for vacation and sick pay - that is up to each company - tell him to look for a new job

  3. It is not illegal as far as the hours go.

    BUT it IS illegal as far as the lunch break goes!!!  You should check your state's labor laws to verify when lunch breaks should be given.  You can also call the labor board in your state.

    The link below is the Oklahoma DOL.

  4. That can't be legal because it sounds like slavery to me. He should quit or find another job. Report them to the labor board.  

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