
Can a savannah monitor have fruit as a constant diet?

by  |  earlier

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i have a foot and a half long savannah monitor and i was just wondering if i could give him fruit as his only food since i wont be able to get crickets for a long time.




  1. you are kidding right? these are the things that you take care of before you get a pet...

  2. Savannah Monitors are CARNIVORES!!! They only eat meat, fruit is not food for them it can mess up their digestive tracts as they can not digest some forms of plant matter. If you can not care for it properly, SELL IT TO SOME ONE WHO CAN!!! Or if you have no one who will buy it SELL IT TO A PET STORE....where at least it will eat!!!!

  3. At least try to give it mice or canned insects or even canned monitor food is better but shouldnt be a constant food source

  4. Savannahs eat meat. It will starve.

  5. Fruit lacks the protien that they need to survive. If you cant get crickets, try pinkie mice or mice. Good Luck!

  6. No.   Flat out no.   Grab some meat from the supermarket, chicken is best.   Cut it in to small cubes, cook on a skillet, let it cool down to luke warm, and feed em that.  May take a bit for him/her to figure out it is food.  Don't go cooking a whole slab of chicken, you will end up throwing it away.

    And why can't you get crickets?  and at a foot and a half long, pinkies would work.  or Kingworms.  Or jeez even dog food in a pinch (only in a pinch).  Just don't let your Sav go unfed.

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