
Can a shark get eaten by a whale?

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  1. Um... Nope.

    Although whales are the biggest mammal on earth. But they are "vegetarians", they dont eat meat. They eat planktons.

    So... I dont think that is possible.

    Ohh... except a killer whale. Killer whales are not "vegetarians" they eat seals and stuff. But I dont think killer whales have the guts to eat sharks.

  2. ^_^ well they are herbivors but a killer whale will.  

  3. Maybe by a killer whale like Shamu. They are meat eaters.

  4. Most people will replay that killer whales have been known to attack sharks, this is true. However what most people do not realize is that killer whales are actually the largest member of the dolphin family and are not truly whales. So the answer is no.

  5. i saw a shark being eaten by your mom last nite... so


  6. maybe

  7. Orcas (killer whale) can easily kill a shark. It happens sometimes. Even though Orcas may not usually eat sharks as opposed to seals and penguins, there have been incidents of that happening.

    This is a youtube video about a Killer Whale, if you pause at 0:45, the narrator says that particular whale is a known shark eater. (:  

  8. Yes but whales are herbivores

  9. Yes- killer whales have been known to prey on sharks.

  10. killer whales have been known to eat sharks. They eat seals and stuff. There are videos on youtube of killer whales eating and killing sharks. They have even found a  moose in the stomach of a killer whale.

  11. If you mean whales in the true sense, highly doubtful. There are 2 types, baleen and toothed whales. Baleen filter plankton and the toothed feed on fish and/or squid. It is possible I guess, that a small shark could be swallowed by a Sperm whale. But at the depths the whales feed at, I highly doubt they would encounter that many sharks.

    Killer whales/Orcas are actually classified as dolphins although they have "whale" in their name. No doubt what so ever that Orcas have taken out sharks before and will continue to do so. They are an extremely powerful predator. I'm sure you've seen all the cool footage of them going after seals, etc.  

  12. I've only seen one recorded incident where a Orcas (Killer) Whale cut a large White Shark in half.  The mother whale was with her calf and the shark came around.  Nothing to be amazed about though, whales are mammals and smart, sharks are prehistoric and stupid.  But sharks are still here.

  13. By sperm whale / orcas, yes

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