
Can a shy person be a teacher?

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I mean, can a person that does not like talking in public can eventually adjust and gain more confidence in the classroom? Any experiences like that?





  1. It wouldnt be the best job for them but it wouldnt be bad to be a teacher

  2. I hope so! Thats my future career plans!

    I am a shy and nervous person, I suffer from panic attacks and hate being in strange situations. But I have found as soon as I am with the kids it all goes and I get on with things with out thinking. It comes very naturally! I volunteer as a TA and work in a Nursery and have no problems when in work - just outside!

  3. Gain confidence, then go into teaching.

    If you are shy and don't have it, students will eat you alive

  4. Absolutely!  I was painfully shy when I was in school.  Oral presentations were something to be dreaded and put off as long as possible, and I never volunteered to answer a question in class.  Now I have been teaching for 4 years and am getting ready to start my 5th year teaching high school math.  

    It was hard at first to make myself get up in front of that many people, and I know the first year I made a lot of mistakes, but I got more confident.  Now I am still nervous about the first day of school because I have to talk to about 120 new students in one day.  By the second week of school, though, I am not nervous anymore because they are my students in my classroom.  I am not saying that you will instantly get over being shy if you become a teacher.  I still don't feel comfortable talking with a group of strangers, but I am more willing to introduce myself to one or two new people at a meeting than I was a few years ago.

    One of my teachers in high school was one of the most outspoken teachers on campus, but when we had career day she said that when she was in school, she would have to go throw up before any time she had to speak in public.  

    You just have to make up your mind that it is what you really want to do and then go for it.  More power to you if you succeed at a career that scares you at first-you will be a stronger person because of it.

  5. You most certainly can.  I do not like speaking in front of adults, but when I'm in the classroom, I feel as if I'm in a different world.  I will tell you that you should practice speaking in small groups, because if you're a good teacher with valuable resources and tips, others will want you to share. Before I became our reading teacher, I would practice everything I was going to say in the mirror.  I had everything so rehearsed so that I wouldn't forget what I was going to say.  Eventually I found out that people  will listen because they want to know what I have to say.   Besides that, once you start teaching, you will be surprised as to what you will begin to do with public speaking.  Once you get going, you'll be fine.  Good luck to you and practice speaking in front of family and friends, which will ease some of the discomfort.

  6. Yes, but it takes a lot of work... I have known people who are quite shy but they manage themselves to work as teachers and they do it very well. The thing is that you have to be sure you really want to be a teacher and face problems with people. Sometimes you will be working with some hostile students in a classroom, and no matter you make your best efforts to sort the problems out, students will misbehave if you do not have self confidence and show authority...If you do not like talking at all, then, this work is not for you...

  7. Absolutely!  I know someone who is very shy but still connects very well to the kids (middle school).  She gained a lot of confidence throughout the year.  A lot of teachers are also shy about speaking in front of a group of adults but do fine in front of students.   :)

  8. I'm with the other girl, I hope so too. I want to be one too!

    One of my teachers told me that he was very shy when he was in school and now he's very... loud. He just got through it. He said that things changed for him when he got in college.  

  9. I WAS a shy person until I became a teacher.  I was scared to death to talk in public!  However, I was actually Teacher of the Year a few years ago.  Teaching will make you come out of your shell.  Believe it or not, you won't be nervous to talk in front of students like you get nervous in front of your peers.

  10. i don't suggest it, my mom is a teacher and told me since i am an extremely shy person that if i wanted to be a teacher i had to gain confidence and learn to not be afraid to talk in public BEFORE YOU START TEACHING. like somebody above said, if you go into the classroom being all shy and quiet the students notice, take advantage of it and "eat you alive" and this can happen in the matter of the first few weeks.

  11. I would say go for it! I'm a Disc Jockey and have been in the business 13 years. When I get to a wedding to setup my equipment I'm fine. When guests start showing up I start getting nervous and my shy side comes into play and i think "everyone is watching me" so I tend to walk like a board (or so people say). Once the wedding party introductions are done though I'm fine the rest of the evening. It just may be because I don't know the crowd? Anyway, shyness never goes away. If you want to be a teacher I would say go for it, but don't let the kids get the best of you, Keep your head up and your mind set to your goals. Best of Luck!

  12. Yes!  I have always been extremely shy.  I am still a little leery talking in public or large groups of adults.  However in the classroom, in front of my little darlings, I am not shy at all.  Over the last few years, I have really come out of my shell.  I think it has a lot to do with interning somewhere and that first teaching job.  

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