
Can a silver bullet be defined with kinetic energy?

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Is it that a bullets' stopping power on a general level can have got measured by its kinetic energy but a bullets' terminal ballistic performance other than that as for expanding or similar methods used in most handguns since a "7.62mm*51 NATO Ball, Special, M118LR" which is essentially a round-nose bullet that gets sniper kills even though level 3 or more body armor and light vehicle armor where as handguns bullets have no chance at it and even the more inferior target eliminations. Given that it penetrates and have enough to kill in one shot then the silver bullet should be a fast, hard and dense round-nose, isn't? regardless of how it can get done so to have fast, hard and dense and its practicalities though it may not have the most applicably or even hypothetically good or great efficiency at using its power for a one stop kill. I'm not trying to do anything hard with this information or maybe I'm going to but since such a round is already in the hands of Russian special forces and that they have shown the world rocket science, managed to have one of the greatest political systems that fit it great and have some of the hottest models, can they have done it right as most the Russian gunnery websites are saying it as it is that it is it! or is it?




  1. You are translating word for word, aren't you?

    The words are near the right places but the sentence structure is all jumbled and therefore your thoughts are almost incomprehensible in English.

    I don't know a darn thing about silver bullets, but I do know rocket science as that's my business. The Russians only had an edge for a few short years and then that lead was only gleaned from their capture of German rocket scientists. Hardly showing the world.

    Not to rub it in, but how's that Russian rocket program fairing these days?  Oh really, that's too bad.

  2. Couple seasons ago Mythbusters did a test where they compared regular lead bullets to actual silver bullets in the same caliber. They found that silver bullets don't perform as well as the regular bullets because (a. their less accurate since silver is harder and doesn't engage rifling as well. (b. they have less energy since silver is lighter than lead and as a result they don't penetrate as well. If you want best performance stick with regular lead (or copper jacketed) bullets.

  3. I don't know but I heard they were good for werewolves try a solid copper kevlar coated or armor piercing rounds.

  4. To be able to figure out anything when it comes to a bullet, you have to have all the info specific to the bullet your talking about. Ammunition is extremely dependent on a number of variables, caliber, weight, shape, charge, barrel length of the weapon being fired from, etc, until you have all these, no inferences can be made about potential energy of a round

  5. To native English-speakers, your wording is a bit too circuitous. It would be useful if you could have a native speaker edit for you.

    Kinetic energy may be a good surrogate marker for effectiveness, or momentum may be better, or perhaps there's something else; it's an old conundrum, and still unresolved. Also, heavy alloys for penetrators aren't anything new, but there's an old saying: "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Penetration is nice when needed, but gives up something in producing a good wound channel. There's no magic or mystery to be solved there, simply that a wider wound channel with less penetration is more effective in many situations.

  6. kinetic energy is only part of an answer.  It tells you how much force a bullet can impart at a certain distance.  Whether the bullet will expend all its force on the target depends on several things, one of which is the material, another of which is the configuration.  I'm not aware that silver has any particular advantages over lead, unless you're fighting lycanthropes.

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