
Can a single 27 year old woman adopt a child? I have been single my whole life and I want a baby. I have gave

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up on trying so find Mr. Perfect. No guys like me, so I give up. I'm in this world and I'm all alone. I have no family. Just a few friends...a decent job. Anyways, I have always been one of those very motherly women and I want a baby really bad...or a kid. do I try and adopt? I don't make a lot of money so aren't there any places that let people adopt for free? The office I work in is a medical facility and we always have these adults that have like 6 adopted kids and they live on Medicaid so if they can do it I can too right?




  1. If you are healthy, with sound mind, and a job, then, "yes". Just go talk to who ever you want to adopt from and apply. It will take a good while to do it. Good luck!

  2. You could have a baby with donated sperm and invitro-fertalization.  Contact your doctor.  (It's not as expensive as it seems, medical insurance may cover some of it)

    You could go through foster care.  It's not the horror people make it out to be.  You can do a lot of good for many, many children, or you can adopt a baby.  Your local county/city is begging for foster homes.  Babies can be hard to come by (consider an older child, it's worth it), but in a lot of cases, the government pays for court fees and it's the cheapest way to go.

    Contact private adoption places.  This is the most expensive way to go.  My friends (a married couple) spent $10,000, and 2 years just getting their names on a waiting list.  

    BUT--3 months later the agency called and told them their newborn son was ready to be released from the hospital.  All they needed to do was show up with a carseat, sign some papers and bring the baby home.

    Let people know you want a baby.

    Your family and friends might know people who want to place a baby for adoption.

    Look into "Snow Flake Babies".  When people freeze their embryos they often freeze more than they use.  Some of these embryos are destroyed, some are "adopted" by childless people.  They call them "pre-born" babies, and they proceed with adoptions just like it was a living, breathing child.  The only drawback is the family chooses where the embryos go.  Single folks aren't first choice.

    This explains it better and gives contact sites.

  3. Yes singles can adopt. You might consider looking into adopting from the foster care system. This is going to be the cheapest form of adoption and in some cases depending on your state it will be free. Some places will even give you subsidies for your adopted child(ren)  until they turn 18 it might only be like  $500/monthly. I have even heard of some states that will pay for an adopted child’s college education provided they go to a state school.  One can generally say what age range you  are willing to take. For example infant to 4 years old.  Or if you were going to take a sibling group you can say the highest number you would be willing to take (i.e. sibling group of 3 or 4 children) as well as lowest age for the youngest child and highest age for the eldest child.

    I would suggest contacting your state Foster Care Department. They will be able to provide you will much more information on the criteria you would need in order to adopt. As well provide a list of things you would have to do, such as take some classes, suggested reading material etc.

  4. You are 27.  Far from being over the hill.  You have YEARS still to find the right guy, get married and have children of your own.

    What would you do if you adopt and then meet the Mr. Perfect?  And why does he have to be perfect?

    If you are serious, look into foster care.  It is free, though you have to be able to prove you can support yourself and the child without the "check" that you get for being a foster parent.

  5. Another myth "Mr.Perfect".  Although I must say a lot of parents are doing a S****y job at raising boys today, there are millions out there that are pretty good guys. Try investing a little time into introspection. The problem with women that have a hard time finding a soul mate usually lays within themselves.  

    It would be very hard on any child never mind an adoptee to fit the bill of being "perfect".  Good luck.

  6. Ahh, another adoptee with a big job.  Fill subsitute mommy's emotional voids.

    Sounds like a great childhood;

    -Single mother

    -No extended family

    -Not much money

    -Full time daycare

    -Someone who 'gives up' at 27

    I'm sure there are plenty of women who would LOVE to give their infant to you.

    I didn't get married until I was 37.  Get a hobby and some therapy, and find out why your outlook on life is so bleak.

  7. Why does he have to be perfect? You just need to find one who's perfect for you! 27 is so young! I agree with the poster who says go into counseling and figure out what's really missing in your life before dragging a child into it!  

  8. First step is to make sure you really want to adopt and are ready for a child because liking to play with your friend's children is different than having your own.  You don't go home after a playful day and do nothing.  The child is with you always.

    Anyway, if you decide adoption is your route, then I would say find a good agency that someone can refer you to.  The agency does not have to be local because agencies are all over the place.  Also decide is you want domestic or international adoption.  Domestics, you run the risk that the birth mom may decide that they don't want to give up the baby after birth and you would essentially "waste" the time you spent waiting.  With Internatioanal, it's more certain that you will have a baby after the whole process.

    Keep in mind, the international process is slow and quite a lot of paperwork.  Time depends on which country you choose.

    As for age, most countries have age limits, not minimums (atleast you won't fall into any minimums at 27) but some do tend to sway away from single parents.

    Anyway, good luck.

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