
Can a single male have a foster child? If it's a teenaged girl?

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Can a single male have a foster child? If it's a teenaged girl?




  1. There is always a chance.Very unlikely unless you are fostering a female teenager that is a relative. And you would still have to complete background checks etc.

  2. I would hope that his intentions are pure.  If he truly wants to give a girl a better life, then he is going to need to go through some in-depth background checks.  

    I would suspect that agencies would give him a really hard time.

  3. I think you may know the answer to your own question because you're asking it. With the perverted things that go on in this world in today's society, do you really think that's going to happen. And for what reason does a single guy need a TEENAGE FEMALE foster child anyway. Get a dog.

  4. For some reason, this question has creeped me out. Maybe its the avatar next to the question. I feel like some creepy music is about to play.

    ETA: no DON'T get a dog. < insert horror movie music here>

  5. NO!! and any foster care that would is stupid!!!!

  6. Normally, only if it is a relative you are fostering, otherwise it would be seen as a risk, just like they normally won't put a teen male foster child with a single female parent if they are not related.

  7. Most likely not, unless it was a relative of some kind (uncle or grandparent).  And even then, the situation would be very closely examined and monitored by the social workers.

  8. i am going to be honest this question makes you sound like a perv... and the answer is no and if they allow that then i will be surprised  honestly unless you a family but they will do a full background check

  9. Maybe if you told us the situation it would help to avoid some nasty comments being made.  Maybe you really are trying to help this girl.

  10. im not sure...

  11. Freak! No way!

  12. Very unlikely unless you are fostering a female teenager that is a relative. And you would still have to complete background checks etc.

  13. No, he can't.  A short speech follows:

    This is a new one.  You should sooo like do the next open mike night at the nearest comedy club.  We live in a post-feminist society.  Statutory rape and adoption are very, very funny!

  14. no...sicko

  15. No there has been to many situations where foster care did let that happen and the teen girl was abused sexually so Most likely NO....I am not saying you are a bad guy or trying to bring your hopes down its the fact that I am in foster care and I have been in abusive foster home...and there is a foster home case right now going on about this guy who was a foster parent that is being charged with what he did to the girls he took in....Sorry again...

  16. No .... It would be seen as a predatory situation

  17. yes a single man can foster a female.... after background checks are done and home study and everything... as a child my great uncle applied to foster me and was only denied because during the exam the dr.s found some serious medical condition that no one new her had.... the the whole related part didnt realy come into play because at the time i hadnt known him very long...........

  18. listen up what you just asked was the exact thing a d*** perv... would have  asked  you are considered a sicko in my book ya digg

  19. that would be seen as sick.

  20. No how dare you sick ************

  21. NO That would be weird why would you want to do that? The angecy wouldn't allow it!

  22. magic 8-balls says, "unlikely."

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