
Can a single solider get an apartment on base?

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Can I get an apartment on base or would I have to be in the barracks? I will be 40 when I get thru boot camp and understand the need to warehouse people. I am not trying to be a wise*ss, just curious.




  1. they dont have apartments on base..they have single soldier housing and family get family housing you are going to have to have a spouse or a child living with you..

  2. There is no apartments on most bases, they are barracks and are for single personnel who are E4 and below mainly, but also those who are E5 and above and wish to stay on base.  A lot of bases are getting barracks redone so whereas before you would share a place with 1, 2 or 3 people, now a lot are individual units and you share a bath.  Some areas also have kitchens, lounges, etc...

  3. Sometimes you can, but it is mainly based on your rank, definently not on your age partner. That would not be fair because I was mature azz h**l at 18, but I endured till I was 25 before I was finally able to move out to my first authorized BAQ, single paid apartment as an E-5, then back to the barracks when I PCS'd, out and again as an E-6, then back again when I PCS'd, then out after another PCS'd, then back in again as an E-7 in Germany because they had room in the BEQ! Now where I am now, you HAVE to move out as E-6 and up, so it's all about rank, not age. Lucky I am about to retire soon and didn't get married for the "I do, for BAQ".

    If you joined or rejoined this late in the game, you better have a dang good reason to move out and not because of the youth around you. Trust me, I was a Building Coordinator, Boss Rep and an acting 1SG.

    If you move off post, you can paid out of your own pocket, but you have to maintain a room in the barracks and you need to let your chain of command know the details. They should let you do this is your mature and it shows.

    Good luck and I feel ya.

  4. Nope, not unless you have a dependent living with you.


    When you make E-4, you can start asking to collect BAH housing allowance and move off post.

    Because of your age you would most likely get it as an E-4.

    But for single soldiers, getting BAH is always up to the Division or base commander and is based on how much empty barracks space there is.

  5. no single ppl have to live in barracks unless you get your own apartment off base.

  6. alot of posts let single e-5's live off post with a partial BAH.  single lower enlisted are supposed to live in the barracks, don't worry they are not like the ones at basic training though, they are pretty much small apartments, big enough for you and possible a roomate

  7. You did not mention your niece this time. If she is a legal dependant and they still let you join then you would be eligable for Housing on base. Not that you would get it, just eligible, there is a wating list. If no dependant you get the barracks.

    Still shooting for Ft. Irwin? If you have to go into Barstow that is 30 miles from base.

    SSG US Army 73-82

  8. Until you make a certain rank (generally E4) you will be living in the barracks.  Part of the reason is generally maturity (most newbies in the service are right out of HS) and financial...the BAH for lower ranks is usually not sufficient for a single to afford a place off base on his own.  And since you are single, with no dependents, your only option for housing other than the barracks is off base.  Only military members with dependents are eligable for base housing.  I would figure on at least the first three years of your military career will be living in the dorm.  Of course, you can apply for the command to approve you earlier, but it does not happen often and I would urge you to look at what you would be getting for BAH vs. the average rent in your area before you try.

  9. there are no apartments  for Singles on base.. its the barracks.  military family Housing is for FAMILIES.. married personnel only.  

  10. Barracks.

    BEQ once you reach E-6. All that means is a private room............

  11. No.  First not apartments, but base housing.  They go to families and to single parents whose children live with them.  You can apply for BAS (basic allowance for subsistence) and BAQ (basic allowance for quarters).   This is for off base housing.  The government will offer up additional money to house you off base.  They used to be so over crowded when I was in it took me 1 year to finally get a home on base and it was a sixplex.  They try to keep the younger people (18-25) in the dorms/barracks (depending on branch).

  12. solider?

    The answer is NO!

    age does not matter, if you are low on the totem pole, YOU will have to live in the barracks!

    Hurry up and find a single officer or senior NCO your age!

    that will get you out of the barracks -LOLZ!

  13. No, You can get an apartment off base

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