
Can a song influence one's state of mind.... to such extension that one could really lose his mind?!?..?

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can it make you go crazy.. or just insane? lol

can it make you feel like the fallen angel?? ..or feel denied of purpose for existence?

if you know of such songs (no matter what area they come from), share!, ok




  1. No.

  2. If you are already mentally ill, then almost anything can become an obsession or a trigger to some reaction. Why not a song?

  3. Congratulations on getting your question to post. Also, thankx for posting a question where I don't have to get into a fist fight with some deluded individual, lol. I want you to listen to this song all the way through. By the time it is done, you will already have started to lose your mind, lol

  4. People who go insane or lose their minds are often already predisposed to mental illness or already mentally ill when they encounter the environment that they place the blame on eg. marijuana is often blamed by schizophrenics. A song alone for a mentally healthy and insightful person is not going to make them lose their minds. It may change their perspective, but in a negative 'crazy' and long-term way? Certainly not. Now, if the song were played repeatedly or the same message were to take over the environment, even the sanest person could not hold on forever. These feelings you're talking about and mental illness is partly biological, but environment has a huge role in how one percieves and copes with message. In a negative environment, a song could be the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak.

  5. thats a pretty personal song your asking for.

    if you are introverted enough then that song will be easy to find. It may even find you.

    insanity is well...insanity, you detach yourself from reality when there are things inside you that do not fit into reality...what ever reality is.

  6. Anything by Celine Dion

  7. Don't know about the fallen angel part, but

    It's a small world after all, It's a small world after all,

    It's a small world after all, its a small small world.

    Now, with that stuck in your head, how long until you go crazy.

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