
Can a state still seperate from the Union?

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Can a state still seperate from the Union?




  1. No. Only Canada, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have ever permitted this, and only in one decade too. The US & most others has never and does not and probably never will permit a state becoming a country under any circumstances, it flat out rejects this.

    Key West has a popular folklore myth that it once did, but I think the Civil War (and China's Taiwan policy & Turkey's Kurds, ....) has proven that this is always rejected hard.

  2. No. It was very difficult for many to be accepted into the union , if they had to sign papers that it would be forever .

  3. This is a question that can be argued either way----the civil war was fought over this and although the north won for Lincoln----the question still remains because of the wording in the constitution and the declaration of independence---also our Constitution is not followed in many instances by our present government---in the fact that it guarantees a Republican form of government for the States---the 10th Amendment has been all but forgotten-----and SCOTUS is following the 14th Amendment which makes 2 classes of citizens---their rulings in law assumes that everyone is a citizen of the UNITED STATES yet gives no credence that some are only citizens of the State in which they live.

  4. dont I wish!!

  5. Nothing in the Constitution says a state cannot leave, and because of that the 10th Amendment implies that a state can leave. But that didn't stop Lincoln from fighting the War of Northern Agression and it won't stop any other President from doing the same.

  6. Legally no, but the State of Texas was its own Rebublic at one point so they may beable to if they really wanted to fight a war for independence.

  7. One nation, indivisible....... A state never could, legally or otherwise. Texas was a part of MEXICO prior to becoming a Republic.

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