My husband and I have been together for 3 years and married for 6 months. We have a beautiful 15 month baby boy. My husband told me that he wants to keep his account, the main account, all his own because of his last marriage and theft issues. He also said that maybe we'll open a separate account later. Now he does have a few controlling behaviors, but this is becoming the worst one, money. I am really starting to think that I am paying for what happened in his past, which I feel is unfair and hurtful. He says that he trusts me, but I do not see it that way. I am not one to spend money unwisely and he knows that. He said that he will give me money weekly and I think that I have every right as his wife and the mother his child to know how much money we have and what bills are being paid. I feel that this is going to cause big problems in our marriage and I am beginning to not trust him. I know he loves me, but with love there should be trust. He is set in his ways and doesn't want me to bring it up again. Someone please give me advice.