
Can a still play volleyball if she has her navel pierced?

by  |  earlier

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i play on varsity volleyball at school and i play on a select team. i plan to go to collage with a schollership in volleyball. the only thing is i am libero. so i am always diving. will i still be able to play with a navel piercing?




  1. yeah you probably will but i recomend taking it out!!!!!!! I had a girl on my club volleyball team that was practicing before a huge tourny that we had in cali and her belly button ring got caught in the net and ripped right out. it look really painful! so i recomend being careful.

  2. under the rules, you are not allowed to wear them.  They are a major injury risk.  I have heard nasty stories, one being a girl having her skin tore open from belly to chest because it caught in the net.

    However, umpires are not allowed to check under your shirt and technically neither should a coach.  But it is a rule and should be followed. for safety reasons.  Don't think "it won't happen to me".

  3. get it pierced during the off season so it has time to heal a little bit so when you dive your stomach wont hurt as bad

  4. you probably can but it will be very uncomfortable,especially that your a libero,you have to dig everything

  5. yah! just make sure that it's not could probibly tape it down or something so that it dosn't get cought on your shirt...but other than that...i would see no problem in that!

  6. you can't really take it out too often, because even if its healed it tends to try and close up. so, what you can do is just use pre-wrap and athletic tape it'll prevent friction and it won't get caught on your gear.

  7. Ok well if u want to go to college on a scholorship u would probably need to learn how to spell it, but yes u can still play even if u have it pierced! maybe u can take it out when u play games or practice!

  8. Nope. some come off and some dont. if you have the removeable ones you can play. Just take it off when u play.

    If you have not had the piercing fully healed for at least six months, sports and sweating can be irritating and cause scarring. It's worth the wait to avoid the potential issues that could spell the end of an otherwise lovely piercing experience and a nice looking navel. This may seem like a conservative suggestion, but it comes from experience, as no manner of bandaging or jewelry options have served well in this situation. It will be better looking if you wait until you have time off from sports to heal and get sturdy.

  9. i wouldn't do that it would hurt so bad to have it ripped out and then your'll never be able to pierce it again... i'd defiantly wait not matter what position you play....but if you decide to get one i'd tape your belly button before your game so it doesn't catch

  10. Actually, under U.S.  volleyball rules, belly button piercing are one of the only visible piercings aloud on the court.  I've played with a few players who had these piercings and they had to challenge a ref before.  It's totally legal.

  11. As stated above by spikeaholic, the referees can not pull up your shirt and look.  However, if you jump and your shirt is not tucked in and the referees see it, you or the piercing will be on the bench.  And your team will be penalized.  

    And also stated above by spikeaholic, you should not wear it for safety reasons.  I have a picture of what used to be an ear lobe after the earring with the tape over it got caught in the net.  I use it for referee clinics.

    Edited later-Cori is wrong.  NO JEWELRY.  Any time on the court.  Either your navel ring or you will be on the bench.  And your team will get a team delay.  If they already had a team delay in the match, it will become a team delay penalty and the other team will be awarded a point.  

    USAV rule 4.5.1  It is forbidden to wear hats or jewelry.  Exceptions are made for religious or medical medallions which can be taped or sewn under the uniform.  Or flat gold wedding bands for adults.  If any other ring can not be removed, it will taped.  Notice, no mention of navel rings.  

    If the referees spot it, you will be penalized.  Or more likely, if the other team spots it, they will report you and then you will be penalized.

  12. You're not really supposed to have any jewlery on but no one can check under your shirt. There is the risk of a nasty injury though and like you said, you'll be diving a lot. I have been playing for 3 years and never hit my piercing on the floor or net BUT the competition may get more fierce. There are plugs you can put in that are a clear piece of plastic and you stick it through like a piercing and it holds the piercing open but isn't big or dangerous to play with while it's in. If you've had yours pierced a while you can leave it out with no plug for a while anyways with no fear of it closing. If anything, I'd recommend a bandaid over it to keep it in place while playing. If it's a new thing, I'd say wait until the off season so it can heal without sweat getting in it. If you just got it then it's probably going to get sore and about all you can do is tape it down and hope it doesn't get pulled out or take it out and risk it closing up. Congrats on the scholarship :)

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