
Can a stray cat survive in the wild after being fed on packed cat food for almost a week..??

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I found a little kitten out here in my hostel, and i brought her to my room because she was lookin sick. I took care of her for abt a week and now she's doing well. But the problem is that i dont want to make her my pet. I live in mumbai and i asked almost all the NGOs related to animal care, but no one is ready to provide shelter to her. Can she survive in the wild after i have a fed her cat food for almost a week?? and she used to sleep over my bed...




  1. Oh my goodness, you've opened a whole can of worms here.  Please do not discard this kitten.  You took her in, now, it your responsibility to try to find a place for her.  There has to be SOMETHING you can do for her. Please, please try, you just can't take in a kitten, feed her get her used to humans and then just set her loose, that's just plain cruel. I will pray for you to do the right thing.  God bless you in your decision.

  2. A kitten without it's mom? It'll be ran over or a predator will pick it up. If it still had mom to protect it, it'd have a chance, but alone no. It will die.

    Do you know of anyone that would take her? A friend or family member? Would you be willing to let her come in at night at least? That would increase her survival.

    Thank you for taking her in. :) You saved her life.

    edit: You can buy a large bag of cat food for about $10, and for a kitten that should last 2-3 months. And when you're trying to study, lock her in the bathroom. Maybe give her a ball (or roll paper into a ball and give it to her) to play with. Once she gets older she won't be nearly as demanding.

  3. She'l be very sad if you leave her alone. Please dont do that. Give it to a friend of yours.

  4. Truthfully? No, I would not re-introduce him/her back into the wild. You took her in, which basically saved her life. You have been providing her with food & nurishment in order to sustain life. I would definitely not throw him/her back into the wild & expect her to be able to scour for food once again. Do you have anyone that would be willing to accept her as their pet? If not, you should highly think about it.  

  5. try to contact some animal rescue association in Mumbai, hope it helps.Pls pls don't just abandon her....

  6. probably not she was sick when you found probably fromlack of food and water her she could fair ok if you let her wonder inside and out as long as you feed her until she can hunt but this is ify there are preditors and cars lots of dangers she will not understand she needs a place to rest and get food available to her at all times and water that is safeto drink

  7. It's unlikely that the kitten will survive without human aid.  It was good of you to provide comfort in this hard old world.

  8. if i want to set her free than set her free in azoo or jungle but perhaps she wouldnot survive

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