
Can a student visa holder can be a permanent resident in Canada if someone will sponsor him/her..?

by  |  earlier

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im from philippines, 21 yrs old. i finished caregiver, and have an uncle in canada. so, what should i do? so that i can come to canada faster..? because if my uncle sponsor me it will take 8 to 12 months rather than student visa it will only take 3 months.but i dont know if can be a permanent residence in the future.... please give me advice thank you....




  1. No, this cannot be done.  You must leave when your student visa is expired and then have your uncle sponsor you to come back.  Do not lie on any applications.

  2. After the incidents of 9/11 most countries tightened up their immigration regulation on Student Visas. You need to go to the Immigration Website for Canada and check out the laws there. In most countries you now may not use a student visa for anything other than education. You must be accepted at an institution of higher learning and remain enrolled there. Dropping out or changing your status can be reason for being sent back to your country of origin. You don't want that. It then becomes part of your record and makes it more difficult to get the proper Visa you need. Is there some reason you can not wait out the 8-12 months? You mentioned you are a caregiver, is your uncle ill? If so, you may be able to file with a hardship exception that may expedite your paperwork. I would still log into the Canadian Immigration site for full details. You could also have your uncle get in touch with an attorney who specializes in Immigration Law. Good luck to you!

  3. Nope he cant be....sorry..

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