
Can a sun conure understand what is being told to it, and learn the meaning of the word?

by  |  earlier

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For example if i was to say "step-up" would it step up, and learn the meaning of the word? Also, if I was to say "shower" to it everytime we had a shower, would it learn what was going to happen after I tell it "shower time"? Also, can I bring it with me in my twice daily showers? Please help, oh and is there any special trait or bond that your bird has that you'd like to share? Please do.




  1. A properly socialized and tame conure will enjoy spending time with others. bathe should be at least 2 times a week and have to watch for water temperature so bird does not get to hot of water  he loves the shower with you they like water.they will speak but limited  ability's and voice is pitched so much higher and difficult to understand. Some start as early as 5 months others take a few years and the again some never do. there is no guarantee they will  Instead they like to Screech,,Maybe with alot of work this may happen one day but don't believe they understand the word or what it stands for  but maybe your actions and how you say it they understand or some motion you do before the task is preformed.

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