
Can a sun conure understand whats told to it?

by  |  earlier

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For example if i was to say "step-up" would it step up, and learn the meaning of the word? Also, if I was to say "shower" to it everytime we had a shower, would it learn what was going to happen after I tell it "shower time"? Also, can I bring it with me in my twice daily showers? Please help, oh and is there any special trait or bond that your bird has that you'd like to share? Please do.




  1. Yes you can teach a bird to associate certain words with certain things (baths, treats, a trick, stepping up, etc). Twice a day showers are probably unnecessary for the bird but if he enjoys them sure.

    I've got a few birds, they all have some little quirk or characteristic that makes them special compared to the others. Love them all tons.

  2. yes it learns easily like all birds but when you have a shower make sure the waters not too hot just nuke warm

    my princess parrot sits on my head then i hand feed him

    and also he eats out of my teeth  ( just biscits nuthing gross)         ( i just hold the bisciut with my teeth - not he cleans my teeth lol. also we have showers together and he sits on the table and shares my breakfast  and he sits on my shoulder

  3. Twice daily showers is a bit much.  You can teach the bird how to step up by working with him/her each day.  Use the same command each time you go to pick the bird up.  Step up to get onto something and step down to get off of it.  I have had my Jenday Conure since the 29th of June and Stinker is slowly learning the meaning of the words.  He/she (not sure of the gender yet) knows that step up means out of cage time or going back into the cage. Also getting picked up off the floor after a dive bombing run at the dogs lol. (Wings are clipped) We had to teach the meaning of the words to the bird buy pressing under his belly area to get him to raise his leg onto our hands.  The bird has caught on very quickly but can be stubborn sometimes also.

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